Privacy Policy

CalcuQuote Privacy Policy

Updated January 1, 2020

Sutaria Services LLC d/b/a CalcuQuote (“CalcuQuote” or “We” or “Us”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. This document applies to personal data we collect, including by means of our website (our “Site”) and online services (“Services”), and to personal data that our customers ask us to process by means of the Services.

This policy does not apply to the privacy practices of our Services customers or third parties whose applications and services our customers may use in connection with our Services. See the Section below captioned, “Personal data provided to us by our customers as part of their use of our Services.” You should review your organization’s and these the third parties’ privacy statements to understand their privacy practices.

If you have questions or concerns about how we manage your personal data, or wish to access, amend or delete your personal data, please contact us at:

Sutaria Services LLC dba CalcuQuote

414 Englewood Drive, Murphy, Texas 75094

Personal Data Collection

Personal data we collect for our own purposes.

Data You Submit: If you express an interest in purchasing our services, whether by chat, email, submission of a web form, telephone, or in person (such as at a meeting, trade show or other event) we may collect your data to enable us to respond to you and to provide you with information about our offerings, such as your name, job title, the organization you represent, email address, and phone number. We may collect other data about you if you elect to submit other data as part of a survey response, a comment on our blog post, email, or other communication. We may use any data you provide to us about yourself for our general business purposes, such as improving our services offerings, and marketing our services to you.

Automated Data Collection: When you use our Site or Services, our servers automatically collect your IP address, the time and duration of your visit, and the web pages you visit. We collect additional information using cookies and web beacons and use third party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics and HubSpot to analyze the data we collect using these means. See the section below captioned “Online Technologies.” We collect and use this data for the purpose of improving user experience on our Site and Services, monitoring system performance, and marketing our services to you. We may associate data collected via these automated means with personal data we collect in other ways, including data that we collect from or about you after the time that your organization becomes our customer. We may receive the kind of data described in this section from independent sales representatives and our marketing partners. They may use cookies and other online technologies to collect this data. We do not control their data collection practices and you should review their privacy policies. We will use the data our marketing and sales partners provide to us in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Advertising Services: We may also receive data about you from our advertising services, such as Google’s Advertising Services. These advertising services use information they collect about your activity on our Site and other websites by means of cookies and other online technologies to target ads to you based on your interests. For example, see Google’s description of its advertising cookie use at We will use your personal data that our advertisers and marketing partners provide to us to market our services to you by displaying ads or other content that we think will interest you. You may opt out of this type of data collection – see the Section below captioned “How to opt out of online data collection.”

Social Media: If you interact with any of our social media pages or sites, such as our LinkedIn Site or Twitter feed, we will have access to data about the interaction that is available to account holders, and also to the content that you publish on these services. We collect this information to help us improve our sites and services, and market our services to you. We may associate this information with information we collect about you from other sources, and may also use this information to communicate with you about your post.

Personal data we collect to manage your account.
We collect personal data provided to us by you or our other contacts at your company as part of your registration and use of the Services (such as username, email, phone, title, department, profile photo). We collect and use this data for the purpose of managing your account with us. For example, we may use this information to confirm your identity when you log on to the Services or request support, to send and collect invoices, or to communicate with you about changes to the Services. We do not use or disclose this data for any purpose not authorized by our customer. If you have questions or concerns about how our customer manages this personal data, or you would like to access, modify, or delete that data, please contact our customer directly.

Personal data provided to us by our customers as part of their use of our Sites.
Our customers may provide us with personal data as part of their use of our Services. For example, the CalcuQuote service allows customers to manage the contact information for the individual representatives of the companies our customer interacts with. We may send our newsletters and other general purpose communications to all of the contacts in our systems, including to the contacts that are entered by our customers. You may opt out of these communications at any time by following the “unsubscribe” link included in these communications. Otherwise, our customers control this kind of data and we do not use or disclose this data for any purpose not authorized by our customer. If you have questions or concerns about how our customer manages this personal data, or you would like to access, modify, or delete that data, please contact our customer directly.

Our Services include features that enable our customer to exchange data online with their proprietary data services or third party services, such as services for customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, and manufacturing execution systems. Your personal data may be transmitted to or from our Services by means of these features. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of our customer or these third parties. You should review the policies posted by your company and these third parties, and if you have concerns contact our customer who controls your personal data or those third parties.

Personal data collected by third parties on our Sites.Some of the companies who we authorize to collect data on our Sites for our purposes also collect data for their own purposes. These services are listed below. You should review the applicable privacy policies, and the section below captioned How to opt out of online data collection.

* Google Advertising Services:

* Youtube:

* Intercom:

* Hubspot:

* LinkedIn:

Aggregate data and system data.
We collect and use aggregate data generated by our users’ use of our systems, such as user interactions with Site features, resource utilization, total number of users, and total number of transactions managed via the Sites. When data about many individuals is provided or aggregated in a way that none of the data can be identified with any one individual, it is not personal data and is not covered by this Privacy Policy. We use this kind of to analyze and improve our offerings, and to manage and market our business.

Access to your Personal Data
Please send us a request at if you would like to know what personal data we have about you, or would like us to correct inaccurate data, delete your personal data, or restrict the use of your personal data. We commit to responding to your request promptly and honoring your reasonable requests. We will comply with all applicable legal requirements related to your requests, but please note that we are not required by law to delete or restrict the use of your data in a way that prevents us from complying with our legal obligations to our customer or that interferes with our reasonable record keeping as necessary to demonstrate compliance with our contracts and applicable law.

Personal Data Disclosure
We do not sell your personal data. We may in the future sell all or part of our assets or be involved in a merger. We may provide the company that is seeking to acquire our business with access to personal data as part of their evaluation of our business, but will require them to maintain the personal data in confidence and use it only to evaluate our business. If we complete a transaction, we may transfer personal data that is related to the purchased business assets to the purchaser.

We contract with other companies for services of the types listed below to help us collect, analyze, store, manage and otherwise process data. Each of these companies commits in its contract with us to use personal data we provide only in support of our business or services described in this Privacy Policy or as required by law and must require persons to whom they disclose or give access to your personal data to comply with the same restrictions that apply to them.

* Website or other application hosting
* Email Provider
* Chat Provider
* Support (any third party contracted support services)
* Communications (Send grid, Emma, etc)
* Online accounting or ERP
* E-signing
* Payment Processing
* Data scrubbers

We may disclose your personal data when we believe disclosure is appropriate to comply with the law, to enforce our terms of use and other rights, or to protect the rights and safety of others. This may include exchanging information with government regulatory or law enforcement agencies, or with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and legal compliance.

We use commercially reasonable measures to keep your personal data safe from unauthorized use, disclosure and corruption, including limiting access to the personal data, and requiring individuals who access the data to comply with reasonable security policies.

Data Integrity
We process personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We regularly review our data collection, storage, and processing practices to ensure that we only collect, store, and process the minimum personal information needed for the purpose collected. We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information which we process is accurate, complete, and current, but we depend on our users to update or correct their personal data whenever necessary.

Children are not permitted to use our Sites. We do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under 16. If you are under 16, do not use or provide any information on our Sites unless you have involved your parent or guardian. If we discover that we have information about a child we will delete that information. If you are the parent or guardian of a child and you believe we have personal data about the child without your consent, please contact us at the address appearing at the top of this page and we will delete that information.

Our Sites are designed for business use, and not for use for personal, family, or household purposes.

Sensitive Personal Data
We do not need or want data about your racial or ethnic origin, physical or mental health, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or other information that is subject to special regulatory protections under any data protection laws such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) or the United Stated Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) . Please do not provide that information to us.

International Transfers
The Sites may not be available in all locations. Information collected through the Sites may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which CalcuQuote or its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents or contractors maintain facilities.

Data RetentionWe retain your personal data for as long as necessary to complete the purpose for which it was collected, or longer if required by law (including for tax and accounting purposes), or as otherwise communicated to you. We will delete your personal data in accordance with applicable law. If you would like us to delete your personal data prior to the time that we would do this under our data retention policies please see the Section captioned “Access to Personal Data.”

Online TechnologiesA cookie is a unique alphanumeric identifier that is placed by a web server on each browser used to visit a website. The website operator can use the cookie to identify the number of unique visitors to the site, whether or not those visitors are repeat visitors, and information about the visitor’s device and device settings. For example, if there are 1,000 visits to a website on a certain day, the site operator can use cookies to discover how many of those visits were made via the same browser (same visitor) and to track whether a certain visitor has visited the site more than once, the pages visited, and information about the device used to make the visit, such as the operating system and language setting.

A tracking pixel, also known as a web bug or web beacon, is a small graphic (usually 1 pixel x 1 pixel) invisible to the eye, that is embedded in web content or email. When content that has an embedded web beacon is viewed, the browser will request content from a web server, which in turn will set a cookie. This cookie unique identifier can be linked to log information that is used to track movements on the operator’s website.

Some cookies can be used to track your visits and behavior across multiple sites, and to interact with your device’s GPS services to identify your location. For example, advertisers use cookies of this type to measure how effective their ads are, and to help determine which ads to show you.

How to opt out of online data collection
You can manage browser cookies through your browser settings. The ‘Help’ feature on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, how to disable cookies, and when cookies will expire. If you disable all cookies on your browser, neither we nor third parties will transfer cookies to your browser. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some features and services may not work.

Our web server does not recognize or respond to any “do not track” setting you may have in your browser.

The third parties who we permit to collect data on our site have features that allow you to block their data collection via cookies. See their privacy policies and cookie policies:

* Google Advertising Services:

* Youtube:
* Intercom:
* Hubspot:
* LinkedIn:

ChangesWe may change this privacy policy by posting a new version on the Sites, and it is your responsibility to review this policy periodically. When we do change the privacy policy, we will also update the “effective” date and may notify you or post a message on the Sites. Your continued use of Sites after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the policy periodically for updates.
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(after May 2024)